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To update user profile, which includes display_name, phone_number, photo_url and metadata



    action stringrequired

    Default value: auth.update_profile

    The action

    id_token stringrequired

    The JWT ID Token

    refresh_token stringrequired

    The current refresh token

    aud string
    data object
    display_name string

    A new display name

    phone_number string

    The new phone number

    photo_url string

    The new photo url

    metadata object

    Object of metadata


Auth JWT Token response

    data object
    id_token string

    The JWT ID Token

    refresh_token string

    The refresh token to be kept private

    token_type string

    The token type, set to be bearer

    token_info object

    Token info

    ttl integer

    The JWT time to live (ttl) from the issued at time (iat)

    exp integer

    The JWT expire time

    iat integer

    The JWT issued at time

    aud string

    The audience

    _userkey string

    The user key

    project_id string

    The Project ID

    user_profile object

    The user profile

    _userkey string

    The user's Key

    email string

    The user's email

    email_verified boolean

    Boolean indicating email is verified

    display_name string

    The full display name

    photo_url string

    The photo URL

    username string

    The username

    aud string

    The 'aud' associated to this authentication

    roles string[]

    Array of roles for this authentication

    auth_types string[]

    Array of auth_types for this authentication
