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Data Modifiers

A flexible, scalable and schemaless NoSQL Document oriented database to store and sync data for client- and server-side development.


To set data.

"key:$set": Any


To increment a value

"key:$incr": 1,
"key2:$incr": 2,


To decrement a value

"key:$decr": 1,
"key2:$decr": 2,


$unset to remove a property

"key:$unset": true,


$rename to rename a property

"key:$rename": "new_keyname",


$copy to copy the value of a property to another one

value: string

"key:$copy": "new_keyname",


$datetime to add a ISO-8601 to a field. Can manipulate time

value: bool

"key:$datetime": true,


$template evaluate a string as a template

value: string

"name": "Jones",
"key:$template": "Hello world, I'm {{ name }}",


$uuid4 generate a UUID4 string with the dashes

value: ANY

"key:$uuid4": true,


$xadd Add 1 item in a list if it doesn't exist

value: ANY

"key:$xadd": "Hola",


$xadd_many Add multiple items in a list if they don't exist

value: list/array

"key:$xadd_many": ["Hola", "Mundo", "Hello", "World"],


$xrem Rem 1 item in a list if it exists

value: ANY

"key:$xrem": "Hola",


$xrem_many Remove multiple items in a list if they exist

value: list/array

"key:$xrem_many": ["Hola", "Mundo", "Hello", "World"],


$xpush Insert an item on the right of a list

value: ANY

"key:$xpush": "Hola",


$xpushl Insert an item on the left of a list

value: ANY

"key:$xpushl": "Hola",


$xpush_many Insert multiple items on the right of a lisy

value: List/Array

"key:$xpush_many": ["Hola", "Mundo"],


$xpushl_many Insert multiple items on the left of a lisy

value: List/Array

"key:$xpushl_many": ["Hola", "Mundo"],


$xpop Remove an item on the right of a list

value: Bool

"key:$xpop": true,


$xpopl Remove an item on the left of a list

value: Bool

"key:$xpopl": true,


$xlen Calculate the length of an object and save the value

value: StringPath

"title": "Hello Wold"
"title_length:$xlen": "title",